COVID-19 UPDATE #3 - Temporary Closure

Hello All,

As I’m sure most of you saw this morning, the governor has ordered non-essential businesses to close their physical locations. Despite the fact that dog care businesses are labeled essential and we have no physical location, I am making the difficult decision to temporarily close for the safety of my employees, my clients and society as a whole.

We will be suspending all pack hikes as of Monday evening, March 23rd until Tuesday April 7th. We are hopeful that this will help to slow the spread of the virus and give all of us the ability to return to normal as soon as possible.

I recognize that some of you are actual essential employees - medical professionals who cannot stay home. During this time, I would like to continue providing a modified service to those who cannot be home during the day with their dog. Please reach out if you fall into this category so that we can discuss what will be most helpful and supportive to you during this time.

This is obviously a very difficult decision for us from a financial stand point but I do feel it is the responsible thing to do. Several of you have reached out to ask how you can help us during this time. If you would like to help and are able to do so, you can continue to pay for services while we are closed for future credit. Once we reopen and return to business as usual, I will issue a credit of one walk per week over a period of several weeks/months. Please let me know if this is something you would like to do.

Finally, during this time of isolation and social distancing, we want to support our pups and humans mental health. I will be posting to our social media channels with tips and fun anecdotes to help keep us all sane. I’ll be sharing information from trainers and other dog care professionals that I admire about what we can be doing as dog owners to maintain structure and routine for our four legged pals during this trying time. Please share photos of your dogs with us by tagging Beantown Hounds on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

We are going to miss seeing all of their faces every day but this feels like the right thing to do.

Stay healthy and sane and we will hope to see all of you again in two weeks.

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