COVID-19 UPDATE #2: Scheduling

I know that this is an uncertain time. We are taking it week by week. We will continue with playgroups next week (March 23-27).  I know that people's schedules and locations are changing at a moments notice. We will work with you, as we always have, to adjust to your schedule as best we can.  If you know that you will be keeping your dog home for the duration of this crisis, please let me know now. The more information I have upfront, the better I can serve you and my team.

While many of you are choosing to keep your dogs home for the safety of your household and society, we are doing our best to be there for the clients who still need/want their dogs to get out for regular hikes for as long as we are able.  I believe there will come a point where either a) there is a government imposed stay at home order or b) it will no longer be financially viable to continue.  I am doing what I can right now to plan for both of these possibilities. 

Rest assured that if we do have to close, it will be temporary and I am doing everything I can to ensure that my staff will be supported and whole.  My full-time permanent employees already receive paid sick leave and health insurance benefits.  That will continue as long as possible throughout this crisis. I will not be taking a salary during this time in order to further support my employees in whatever ways I can. 

Finally, I would ask that if you currently have an outstanding balance with us, it would be a huge help if you could bring your account current this weekend.  If you are unsure, you can login to your account at  I am happy to assist with that in any way if you need help. 

As we move forward, please know that I am so appreciative of your continued support and the messages I have received from you.  As always, I make all of my decisions about the business with the well being of my employees and my clients at the forefront.

Stay healthy, safe and sane.

Meghan GrabauComment