Well what a week this has been.  What a month! As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, we have been evaluating how we will continue to operate.  I know many schools have closed and some of you will be working from home.  I have been considering what measures we can take to ensure the health and safety of my team, my clients, myself and society as a whole. 

The WHO and the CDC have both said that we do not need to worry about dogs transmitting the virus or our dogs getting sick.  However, like other coronaviruses, COVID-19 can live on a surface for hours so it is possible it could be spread that way.  Given that, we will be taking the following precautions as we proceed with our regular service schedule. 

  • Everyone on my team has hand sanitizer in their vehicle. If possible and you are comfortable with it, please leave soap out by the nearest sink so that they may take the opportunity to wash their hands as needed.

  • If you are home, please help us practice "social distancing" by following the CDC guidelines to keep 6 feet of space between people. Additionally, you should not feel as though you need to greet us or chat at all - especially if you are working from home.  I promise that we will not be offended! 

  • If anyone in your house becomes sick or you quarantine for any reason, please let me know immediately and we will take your dog off the schedule for the duration of your illness/quarantine. 

  • If one of us becomes sick, we will stop working immediately.  Similarly if one of us goes into quarantine, we will likely need to quarantine the entire team. 

I am hopeful that we will be able to continue service uninterrupted but we will take this as it comes.  It is so important for the dogs to maintain a regular schedule and routine when things get topsy turvy on the human front. 

Of course, if you are at any point uncomfortable sending your dog with us during this pandemic, we completely understand. 

As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.  Stay healthy and sane.