RIP Sawyer

Adding to our grief, Sawyer passed this weekend following a brief and sudden onset illness.

Sawyer had been coming with us weekly for years - as much as his lab hips would allow. He was a frequent flyer for overnights and always a joy to have around the house. He was great snuggler but watch out if he approached you with a toy in his mouth - the paw to the leg was sure to follow!

We're still processing the loss of such a young and healthy seeming guy. We often feel that we don't get enough time with our four legged friends and in this case, that is overwhelming true. We have a big blockhead sized hole in our hearts today.

RIP Sawyer - there will never be another soybean. ️

Adding to our grief, Sawyer passed this weekend following a brief and sudden onset illness. Sawyer had been coming with us weekly for years - as much as his lab hips would allow. He was a frequent flyer for overnights and always a joy to have around the house. He was great snuggler but watch out if he approached you with a toy in his mouth - the paw to the leg was sure to follow! We're still processing the loss of such a young and healthy seeming guy. We often feel that we don't get enough time with our four legged friends and in this case, that is overwhelming true. We have a big blockhead sized hole in our hearts today. RIP Sawyer - there will never be another soybean. ️