Exciting News for Beantown Hounds

There have been some changes going on behind the scenes at Beantown Hounds in the last couple weeks. It's been a bit hectic to say the least. I'm very excited to announce that a new dog walker will be joining the BTH team!  

Marjie with Zack and Duncan at the park

Marjie has been walking dogs for 2.5 years. Before that she worked with students with special needs and also taught swim lessons to children of all ages and abilities. She grew up in Wellesley and her family always had dogs. She adopted her first dog while at college in Texas. Duncan is now 17 years old and still joins her at the park several days a week! Clearly she's doing something right! She, her husband and their two dogs (they added Zack two years ago) currently live in Newton. Marjie is extremely personable and friendly and very excited about joining our team.

Marjie and I have known each other for several years both inside and outside of the dog park. She is a kind and patient person. We share a philosophy when it comes to dogs and our styles of dog walking/training are very similar. Although she's been a dog owner for all of her adult life, I was the one who introduced her to dog walking as a profession. Dog behavior and philosophy often overtake much of our conversation even when we're not at the dog park. When you love something as much as we do, it's hard not to let it take over all aspects of your life!

We are both thrilled to have her joining Beantown Hounds! Please give her a warm welcome and say hi if you see her out and about with the dogs!!