Great Dog Rescue Meet & Greet

Today I helped out with transport of four adorable Coon Hound puppies to a Meet & Greet for Great Dog Rescue, the rescue we adopted Gus through.  It was so much fun and the puppies were wonderful.  I think at least two of them have pending applications but the other two are still available! Not to mention all the other pups they have that are looking for their forever homes.

I've put together a little photo essay of the morning because who doesn't want to look at pictures of puppies?! They were so sweet.  If we didn't have a house full of dogs already, I would definitely be applying for one of these babies! Maybe you want to instead? :)

Who doesn't want a laundry basket full of puppies?!

Suzy Q and Sadie check out the displays ... I think they're hoping someone will buy them a sparkly collar when they get to their forever home!

Jethro was super snuggly with everyone he met .... He knows a good thing when he finds it!!

Jethro & Suzy Q got pretty comfy on my lap for awhile ... I definitely wasn't complaining!

Sadie decided that my bag and jacket were the perfect place to hang out.

But then she got snuggly on my lap too!

Ellie May finally wore herself out after a morning of exploring and meeting new friends.  She was snoring away with her little tongue hanging out!
