Weekend of Boarding Fun

Now that we've started boarding, we've had some pretty fun weekends with dogs other than our own. But I think this past weekend took the cake!

Fudge (German Shepherd) and Tucker (Chocolate Lab) are staying with us. As anyone who was in the Greater Boston area knows, this past weekend was HOT and HUMID. So we took a few steps to deal with that.

Earlier this summer, I headed to Toys R Us and picked up a few kiddie pools to help the dogs keep cool on days like this. Tucker and Gus put them to good use on Saturday.

Tucker Cools Down
Tucker & Gus Cool Down

We also had some fun with the hose. Fudge taught the other dogs how much fun watering the lawn can really be! The video quality isn't great because I was manning the hose and the iPhone .... and laughing really hard.

Fudge & Tucker against the hose

Fudge can't get enough of the hose!

On Sunday, we opted for a change of scenery. We packed a lunch and headed to the Ashland Reservoir for some swimming. We met up with a few friends and their dogs. We swam out to a little island where we set up camp for the afternoon to enjoy some swimming and floating. It was a grand time!!

The dogs really enjoyed retrieving every thing we threw for them.  And lucky for them, there was a group of us so there was always someone interested in throwing! I only got a short video this time because I was in the water with the dogs for most of the afternoon .... I'm looking into a scuba suit for my phone so I can capture more swimming next time!!

Swimming at Ashland

Eventually it was time to rest ... Which meant standing in the water to stay cool.

Taking a Break from Swimming

My friend Helene joined us with her dog Ralph, a shepherd mix. Ralph hadn't been swimming much before that day so he was pretty wiped out by the end of the afternoon!

Ralph was exhausted after his first day of swimming!

Everyone (both human and canine) was pretty tuckered out at the end of this day!