Meet the Dogs - Fudge

Fudge is a three year old German Shepherd. Now anyone who knows anything about German Shepherds knows that they are tremendously loyal and also can be very protective. They are also very very smart. Which can at times make them somewhat neurotic. Well, Fudge is all of these things. He's a great dog ... He just a few sandwiches shy of a picnic (and I say that with the utmost love).

He's been coming with me since he was a puppy ... about 5 months old. And boy, have we made A LOT of progress, which is not to say that he doesn't still have his quirks. Sadly, Fudge is still not very good at meeting new dogs. He is amazingly playful with the dogs in his own playgroup, but doesn't do well with the other dogs we encounter in our adventures. For his own good, he is sometimes muzzled while out in playgroup. It took him some time to adjust to it but now it doesn't bother him at all.    He is such a handsome guy and really loves playing with his friends.

One of Fudge's favorite things to do is swim after a ball.  He is obsessed with chasing a ball and LOVES swimming.  Put the two of them together and he's in heaven! German Shepherds aren't exactly built for swimming so it's not always pretty but he has a lot of fun doing it.

This crazy boy has such a special place in my heart.  I wish everyone could see the side of Fudge I do.