Au Revior, Cooper!

Our good buddy Cooper is moving to NYC today. We're super sad but know he's going to have the best time in the city making all new friends!

In totally unrelated news, we are currently looking for someone to unexpectedly lick our eyeballs, flop face first onto the ground in a dramatic fashion for no reason whatsoever and go for long runs when boarding with us.

We miss you already Coopie Poopie! ️

Our good buddy Cooper is moving to NYC today. We're super sad but know he's going to have the best time in the city making all new friends! In totally unrelated news, we are currently looking for someone to unexpectedly lick our eyeballs, flop face first onto the ground in a dramatic fashion for no reason whatsoever and go for long runs when boarding with us.  We miss you already Coopie Poopie! ️