Meet the Dogs - Thor

Thor is a Coton de Tuilier. Normally this type of dog would have a long flowing coat. However, Thor finds that this gets in the way of his hiking and general merriment so he has his family keep him trimmed. And don't let this little guys appearance fool you, he's a born leader. You may chuckle at his name at first, but spend a little time with Thor and you'll find that it suits him perfectly. While he's not always interested in playing with the other pups in playgroup, he LOVES to hike and is always at the front of the pack. In fact, he often has to turn around and remind us that we need to keep moving if we get too distracted along the way. Thor likes to keep a brisk pace.

You can tell when Thor is having a really great time because he picks up his back left paw and kicks it out to the side while running. It may be the cutest thing I've seen! And just because he's white and fluffy doesn't mean that he's above getting down and dirty. He enjoys a good romp in the mud as much as any dog.