RIP Brady

This morning we lost one of our pack.We are always so sad to lose one of our own and even more so when it comes unexpectedly.

Brady has been coming on our hikes for the last four years. We had many great adventures together. A gentle giant, he was timid around new people and easily startled but when he warmed up to you, you could count on a big lean when he was looking for affection.

Brady - you're leaving a giant sized hole in our hearts but we know you're where rabbits can no longer taunt you and there's always someone to fix your funny ear for you. RIP Big Guy. ️

This morning we lost one of our pack. We are always so sad to lose one of our own and even more so when it comes unexpectedly. Brady has been coming on our hikes for the last four years. We had many great adventures together. A gentle giant, he was timid around new people and easily startled but when he warmed up to you, you could count on a big lean when he was looking for affection. Brady - you're leaving a giant sized hole in our hearts but we know you're where rabbits can no longer taunt you and there's always someone to fix your funny ear for you. RIP Big Guy. ️
