The two newest additions to the Beantown Hounds crew! Ryder, five month old chocolate lab & my husband Alex who is generously helping out a couple days a week!! They're both pretty cute if you ask me! BlogMeghan GrabauSeptember 13, 2013Comment
This is my new pal Coban! He's seven months old and boxer/coonhound mix. He's got a ways to go before he can be off leash. The call of the hound is strong! BlogMeghan GrabauAugust 30, 2013Comment
Remy & his new BFF Clemmy. These two pups tore it up at the park this morning. Remy is doing so well on his recall for such a young pup!! BlogMeghan GrabauAugust 29, 2013Comment
Don't worry! You're not seeing double! It's just Indy & his new buddy Remy. Double the fun! Double the cuteness! BlogMeghan GrabauAugust 25, 2013Comment
Brady crowns himself King of the Mountain. Caylee is totes ok with that. BlogMeghan GrabauAugust 24, 2013Comment
Maddie jumped right in with the big dogs!! This little girl can hold her own! BlogMeghan GrabauAugust 19, 2013Comment
Special guest Maddie at the park today! What a little cutie!! BlogMeghan GrabauAugust 19, 2013Comment
Fudge's last playgroup. He & Lucy (black lab) were born two days apart and have both been coming with me since they were 4 months old. BlogMeghan GrabauAugust 1, 2013black lab, friends, fudge, german shepherd, goodbyeComment